
ONE solution to Buy

Our goal is to provide manufacturers with one all encompassing package.

You don’t have to bolt a bunch of different packages together to make your business solution. You just need to get PROMAN-erp.

We a a fully integrated package. You don’t have to enter your information more than once. Enter you Purchase Order Receipt as it comes in the door, and it is immediately found in your purchasing module, accounting module, quality, and inventory.

You get a built in dashboard, online KnowledgeBase, support from people in manufacturing for many years, and a business solution that covers a lot of the needs of manufacturing companies.

we have been developing and implementing this solution at various manufacturing sites in multiple companies. Give us a chance to show you how we might help you.

Check out our section on functionality to see a more comprehensive list. Still have questions, contact us and well get someone in touch you is familiar with your topic.

You’ll also find a section in the references section that shows how you can plan our needs analysis, selection process guide and total cost of ownership worksheet.